Ask Questions. Find Truth.

Spiritual Questions Welcome Here!

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We are so glad you’re planning to join us at Mountain View Baptist Church. Here’s everything you need to know about your first visit, from Kids’ Ministry to accessibility for guests with special needs and what to wear.

Lead me in your truth and teach me,

for you are the God of my salvation;

for you I wait all the day long.

Psalm 25:5 (ESV)

About Us

We'd love to have you as our guest!

Our Sunday worship consists of songs, prayer, and a message from the Bible.

Our songs celebrate what God has done for us - His unconditional love, His sacrifice to reconcile us to Himself, and His power and help in our time of need. We get a lot of joy from thinking about what God did for us and how much He loves us.

Our messages are what is known as expository preaching: looking at a passage from the Bible to see what it means and how it applies to our everyday lives.

Questions welcome here! After our morning worship service, our pastor hosts a Q&A session where everyone is invited to ask questions – about the message that morning, the Bible, or any spiritual question you may have. We know that truth holds up to the most rigorous investigation, so we invite you to seek Truth, confident that those who do will find the Maker and Author of Life for themselves.

Get Involved In Our Ministries


Awana offers a curriculum that reaches kids and their families with the gospel. Our proven and adaptable curriculum will have you developing leaders and discipling kids to walk with Christ for life. The curriculum and programs start at age 2 and continue through 6th grade.

Children's Ministries

We welcome new families, and we believe that no one is too young (or old!) to hear the good news about Jesus!


At Mountain View, we believe God desires all people everywhere to hear the Good News about Jesus. We partner with workers around the world to reach the nations with the gospel..


At Mountain View, we believe God moves through prayer and that it is an important part of our relationship with Him. The prayer ministry encourages growth in this area both individually and corporately.

Women's Ministries

To equip women to serve God and each other well. Encourage women to seek opportunities to serve. Encourage praying for others. Become active in Women's Ministry opportunities.


At Mountain View, we believe that young people are not just the future of the church but are an integral part of the church today. Our mission is to nurture each student's relationship with the eternal God and equip them to stand strong in their beliefs.

Sunday Bible Study

Join for Sunday Morning Bible Study from 9am-10 am. View classes by clicking learn more.

Life Groups

The Bible teaches that as believers we need to live in community together. In the Book of Acts the believers met in homes, which would mean that they were meeting in small groups. At Mountain View, we believe that living out our faith in a small group is important to growing in our relationship with God. At Mountain View our small groups are called Life Groups.

Ways to Serve

Help us serve our church, our community, and the world. Click the button below.

We'd love to meet you!

We are so glad you’re planning to join us at Mountain View Baptist Church. Here’s everything you need to know about your first visit, from Kids’ Ministry to accessibility for guests with special needs and what to wear.

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